Please also have a look at the listing of ESiWACE-related publications on OpenAire.
Link Between the Time-Space Behavior of Rainfall and 3D Dynamical Structures of Equatorial Waves in Global Convection-Permitting Simulations
A Generative Deep Learning Approach to Stochastic Downscaling of Precipitation Forecasts
litstudy: A Python package for literature reviews
Atmospheric Energy Spectra in Global Kilometre-Scale Models
Air-Sea Interactions and Water Mass Transformation During a Katabatic Storm in the Irminger Sea
The ICON Earth System Model Version 1.0
Machine Learning Emulation of 3D Cloud Radiative Effects
Evaluation and optimisation of the I/O scalability for the next generation of Earth system models: IFS CY43R3 and XIOS 2.0 integration as a case study
Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm-Resolving Models: 1. Role of Deep Convection
Tropical Cirrus in Global Storm-Resolving Models: 2. Cirrus Life Cycle and Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes
Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content
The Fractal Nature of Clouds in Global Storm-Resolving Models
Tropical Free-Tropospheric Humidity Differences and Their Effect on the Clear-Sky Radiation Budget in Global Storm-Resolving Models
The Elements of the Thermodynamic Structure of the Tropical Atmosphere
A Comparison of Data-Driven Approaches to Build Low-Dimensional Ocean Models
Building Tangent-Linear and Adjoint Models for Data Assimilation With Neural Networks
Model intercomparison of COSMO 5.0 and IFS 45r1 at kilometer-scale grid spacing
Bridging observations, theory and numerical simulation of the ocean using machine learning
TRU-NET: a deep learning approach to high resolution prediction of rainfall
Inter-model Variability in Convection-Resolving Simulations of Subtropical Marine Low Clouds
Machine Learning Emulation of Gravity Wave Drag in Numerical Weather Forecasting
Towards HPC and Big Data Analytics Convergence: Design and Experimental Evaluation of a HPDA Framework for eScience at Scale
Assessing uncertainties from physical parameters and modelling choices in an atmospheric large eddy simulation model
Deep learning for post-processing ensemble weather forecasts
Resilience and fault tolerance in high-performance computing for numerical weather and climate prediction
Tropical Cyclones in Global Storm-Resolving Models
A Baseline for Global Weather and ClimateSimulations at 1 km Resolution
Number Formats, Error Mitigation, and Scope for 16-Bit Arithmetics in Weather and Climate Modeling Analyzed With a Shallow Water Model
WeatherBench: A Benchmark Data Set for Data-Driven Weather Forecasting
Potential of I/O Aware Workflows in Climate and Weather
The Landscape of Exascale Research
Global Simulations of the Atmosphere at 1.45 km Grid-Spacing with the Integrated Forecasting System
Single-Precision in the Tangent-Linear and Adjoint Models of Incremental 4D-Var
The Relationship between Numerical Precision and Forecast Lead Time in the Lorenz’95 System