
Apr 10, 2024 to Apr 12, 2024
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Reading (UK)

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Over the years, it has become clear that ocean surface waves play a critical role in the Earth System, modulating many surface exchanges as well as acting in both atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers. Accounting for their impact in weather and climate systems has recently attracted renewed interest. However, the actual modelling of wave-coupled processes, analysis and observation of ocean surface waves role in the Earth System still require much attention.

Workshop description

After the previous four successful workshops in Melbourne, Qingdao, Guanzhou and Uppsala, ECMWF will organise the 5th workshop on waves and wave-coupled processes in Reading, aiming to foster discussion and collaboration within this field among the wider community. This meeting will be conducted in plenary, with time reserved for discussion to identify key research and technological questions relevant for the uptake of relevant wave information in Earth System models.

The workshop will aim to cover the following topics:

  • Dynamics of ocean waves.
  • Air-sea fluxes and atmospheric wave boundary layer.
  • Wave influences in the upper ocean.
  • Wave-sea-ice interactions.
  • Wave-current interactions.
  • Wave-coupled processes in extreme conditions.
  • Wave-coupled effects in gas transfer and aerosol production.
  • Wave-coupled role in ocean biogeochemistry, and other air-sea interface processes.
  • Coupling strategies.


This is an in-person workshop. If you would like to attend the workshop in Reading, UK, please submit the registration form before 1 March 2024.

Talks will be livestreamed for online viewing. You do not need to complete the registration form to follow the talks online. The live stream link will be published on this webpage nearer the time.

If you submit an abstract, you should also complete the registration form.

Call for abstracts

We invite oral and poster presentation (in-person only) submissions on the topics above. If you would like to submit an abstract, please complete the submission form before 1 March.

Note that submitting an abstract is NOT the same as registering for the event; this must be done separately via the registration form.