published Dec 23, 2020 , last modified Feb 25, 2022

The ESiWACE2 Domain Specific Language Training was a week-long event that started on Monday the 23rd of November 2020. It concentrated on the two Domain-Specific Languages that are being supported and investigated in the ESiWACE2 project: PSyclone and DAWN (with its DUSK front-end).

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the event was held virtually using the GoToMeeting conferencing software. Whilst it was a virtual event we tried to keep it as hands-on as possible by providing tutorials that attendees could work through,and dedicated Slack channels for them to ask live questions and interact with the trainers. Therefore the event comprised a mixture of presentations and hands-on tutorials.
Approximately 60 people attended the general introductions on the first day and around 35 people were in attendance on each of the following days.

All of the presentations were recorded and the videos have been uploaded to the ESiWACE2 YouTube channel. The associated slides and related documents are available via the ESiWACE2 DSL training page. The tutorials themselves are also freely available. The PSyclone tutorials are provided with the PSyclone distribution, and so can be accessed once the software has been downloaded. The tutorials for DAWN (and its front-end DUSK) were provided via binderhub.

If you missed part of or all of the training event, we encourage you to take a look, and if you have any subsequent questions, please feel free to contact cnVwZXJ0LmZvcmRAc3RmYy5hYy51aw== for PSyclone or Y2FybG9zLm9zdW5hQG1ldGVvc3dpc3MuY2g= for DUSK and DAWN.