published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

Thanks to its strong expertise in code coupling and the central role played by the OASIS coupler in the European climate community, CERFACS was heavily involved in the set-up of the IS-ENES1 (2009-2012) and IS-ENES2 (2012-2016) projects and now actively participates in IS-ENES3 as leader and co-leader of 3 work packages and leader of the HPC task force. CERFACS is also involved in several other scientific H2020 European projects or Centres of Excellence: IMMERSE, APPLICATE, TRIATLAS, DARE, SEEDS, EoCOE; and also in PHIDIAS in the context of the Connecting European Framework (CEF).

Role in the project

CERFACS is co-leader of WP6 and is mainly involved in task 6.2 with the set-up of an online course on OASIS3-MCT. CERFACS is also contributing to WP1 in Task 1.1 with the provision and support of the OASIS3-MCT coupler, and to “Service 2” in WP3 with 4 pms of Dedicated Support on OASIS3-MCT and 2 pms of Dedicated Support on XIOS.

Names of the colleagues involved

Sophie Valcke, Eric Maisonnave, Marie-Pierre Moine


                 Sophie Valcke                                 Marie-Pierre Moine

Relevant infrastructure and services available for climate & weather

CERFACS provides the OASIS coupler to the community.
