ICON is a non-hydrostatic model discretised over an icosahedral as described by Zängl et al. (2015). Here it is run in a global configuration using a set up similar to that described by Klocke et al. (2017).
Grid Resolution
ICON employs horizontal grid spacing of 5km (R2B9) and 2.5km (R2B10), comprising 20 971 520 (5km)/ 83 886 080 (2.5km) grid columns.
The number of vertical levels is chosen as 90. A detailed description of the placement of the vertical levels can be downloaded here.
Output List
Full State Variables (3D), Output Interval: PT01H
Output will be written from level 17 (ca. 40km) onwards.
u | zonal wind |
v | meridional wind |
w | vertical wind |
temp | actual temperature |
pres | pressure |
qv | specific humidity |
tot_qc_dia | specific cloud water |
tot_qi_dia | specific cloud ice |
Selected Horizontal Slices (2D), Output Interval: PT15M
u_10m | zonal wind in 10m |
v_10m | meridional wind in 10m |
t_2m | temperature in 2m |
qv_2m | specific water vapor in 2m |
tqv_dia | total column integrated water vapor |
tqc_dia | total column integrated cloud water |
tqi_dia | total column integrated cloud ice |
tqg | total column integrated graupel |
tqs | total column integrated snow |
tqr | total column integrated rain |
clct | total cloud cover |
lhfl_s | surface latent heat flux |
shfl_s | surface sensible heat flux |
asob_s | surface net solar radiation mean since model start |
athb_s | surface net thermal radiation mean since model start |
asob_t | TOA net solar radiation mean since model start |
athb_t | TOA net thermal radiation mean since model start |
asou_t | Top up solar radiation [W/m2], accumulated |
asodifu_s | Surface shortwave diffuse upward flux |
athd_s | Surface down thermal radiation [W/m2], accumulated |
athu_s | Surface up thermal radiation [W/m2], accumulated |
pres_sfc | surface pressure |
tot_prec | total precipitation |
cape_ml | conv. avail. pot. energy of mean surf. layer parcel |
cin_ml | conv. inhib. of mean surf. layer parcel |
t_g | ground temperature |
qv_s | surface specific humidity |
ufml_s | u momentum flux at surface |
vfml_s | v momentum flux at surface |
Soil Initialisation
Initial soil data are derived from the ECMWF IFS model state at the initialisation date and time.
Input Data
ICON uses the provided grib file with IFS data from 01 Aug 2016.
Treatment of SST and Sea Ice
ICON uses the provided IFS data (7 day means).