published Mar 05, 2019 , last modified Jul 11, 2022

The European climate community is represented by the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). Since numerical weather prediction and climate modelling require more computing power, it is a driver for further HPC developments. Therefore, it takes part in the European HPC Strategy and participates in all three of its funding pillars.

Figure: Collaboration of HPC weather and climate projects funded by the EC [Joachim Biercamp, CoE meeting, Brussels, Dec 3rd, 2018].


Related Projects

HPC facilities

Access to HPC facilities is provided by the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). For advice on all relevant issues of HPC for the European climate modelling community, such as those related to the PRACE European facility and software developments, the HPC Task force of ENES was established.
The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) aims at acquiring two pre-exascale machines by 2020 and finally, in 2023 two exascale systems, at least one of them with European technology.


HPC technologies (FETHPC)

Future emerging technologies for weather and climate modelling are being developed within the projects:


Beside the ESiWACE and ESiWACE2 projects, adaption of leading weather and climate models on (pre-)exascale systems is provided by the following projects: