published Jan 28, 2019 , last modified Mar 18, 2019

May 13, 2019 10:00 AM to May 17, 2019 06:20 AM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Poznan (PL)


Sandro Fiore (CMCC) with a talk

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BDEC meeting or the EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 (

There will be workshops under the umbrella of the EXDCI-2 project. In this respect, Giovanni Aloisio (CMCC) is leading the Task3.2 Engagement with HPC users communities and CoEs and is directly involved in the organisation of brainstorming sessions/workshops on HPC topics with a strong involvement of CoEs.

EXDCI-2 workshop on High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA): One of the EXDCI-2 task will be organising a workshop on HPDA (in this context an abbreviation for HPC meets analytics, Big Data, AI, Machine-learning,..) and has spoken to FocusCoE about providing support for CoE participation.
The workshop offers:

  • i) CoEs with experience to report on success stories, use cases (or problems);
  • ii) CoEs who’ve not yet gather much experience to learn from others & from the other technical talks.

So although there’ll be a “CoE session” (#2), with active participation of the CoEs.