published Oct 13, 2020 , last modified Dec 04, 2023

After a huge resonance for the first experiment, DYAMOND Winter proposes two additional experiments, which will complement the boreal summer period with a winter period. In the second phase, the experiment will be conducted with both atmosphere only and (if possible) with coupled atmosphere-ocean models, beginning on 20 January 2020 and running until 1st March 2020. Detailed information can be found in the DYAMOND Winter experiment protocol (pdf).

Participating models

Completion of simulations is still ongoing. So far we have received the following experiments:





2.5km atmosphere-only

Météo-France, FR


0.045deg atmosphere-only

Canadian Meteorological Cente (CMC), CAN


6.0km coupled, 3.0km coupled, 1.5km atmosphere-only

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC), USA


5.0km atmosphere-only, 5.0km coupled

Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), CN


2.5km atmosphere-only, 5.0km atmosphere-only, 5.0km coupled

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-MET), Germany’s National Meteorological Service (DWD) and the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), DE


9.0km and 4.0km coupled

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK


3.75km atmosphere-only

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA


3.5km atmosphere-only, 3.5km coupled

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), JP


4.0km atmosphere-only

Stony Brook University (SBU), USA


3.0km atmosphere-only

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA


3.0km atmosphere-only

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA


4.8km atmosphere-only

National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), UK

For a more detailed insight, see our overview of the standardised data and original variable names (processing is currently happening).


Accessing the data

For data analysis, ESiWACE provides compute resources and infrastructure at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). To simplify the analysis and to ease comparisons, our team at ESiWACE standardises most of the incoming DYAMOND Winter data sets and includes them in an intake-esm catalogue. Detailed model, experiment and output descriptions as well as tutorials, scripts and tips for analysing high-resolution climate simulation output are provided on our user documentation page

If you work with the data stored at DKRZ, we request that you acknowledge DKRZ and ESiWACE in any publication resulting from this work.

If you are interested in accessing the DYAMOND Winter data, please contact the .


Contributing to the project

Contributions are no longer accepted.

Simulation setup, model output and data policy are specified in the DYAMOND Winter experiment protocol (pdf). To ensure smooth operation of the DYAMOND Winter data collection, we kindly ask you to adhere to the DYAMOND Winter Data request (pdf) as much as possible.

Initial Data for 20 Jan 2020

If you need help, please contact the .