published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is the main French public research institution under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. CNRS acts here in the name of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), which is a federal institute located in Paris and composed of 9 research laboratories working on global environmental and climate studies. IPSL gathers about a thousand scientists and represents more than a third of the French research potential in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Main laboratories from IPSL involved in ESiWACE2 are Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique. One of the main objectives of IPSL is understanding climate variability, both natural and anthropogenic, and the future evolution of climate at global and regional scales.

IPSL's work relies on the development of Earth system models of different complexities (e.g. IPSL-ESM). IPSL is strongly involved in IPCC Working Group 1. CNRS-IPSL coordinates the IS-ENES projects and has also been involved in several other European projects such as ESiWACE, CRESCENDO, NextGEMS and ESM2025. CNRS-IPSL was a pioneer in developing since the 1980s a numerical model of the global physical ocean taking into account the HPC issues from the very beginning. This led to the NEMO Consortium involving different research/operational oceanography centres in Europe which join efforts for the sustainable development of NEMO ( Today, CNRS is, among the consortium partners, the largest contributor in terms of number of experts to the NEMO System Team, including the Scientific Leader and the Project Manager, and leading the NEMO HPC working group. CNRS-IPSL with the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) have developed a new dynamical core DYNAMICO adapted to massively parallel computing and XIOS, a software library dedicated to efficient IO management for climate models.

Role in the project

In ESiWACE2, CNRS-IPSL is involved in WP1 with the new coupled IPSL climate model based on DYNAMICO coupled with the LMDZ physics and the NEMO ocean model. CNRS-IPSL is in charge of activities related to the XIOS software: with service in WP3, with developments in WP4 and WP5 on ensemble services and post-processing and analytics, and with training in WP6. CNRS-IPSL will also lead WP6 on governance and community.

Relevant infrastructure and services available for climate & weather

In ESIWACE2, CNRS-IPSL provides  support to XIOS.

XIOS (XML – IO – SERVER) is a library dedicated to flexible and efficient I/O management of climate models. XIOS manages output diagnostic, history files and performs temporal and spatial post-processing operations (averaging, max/min, instant, etc…).

In IS-ENES3, CNRS-IPSL also grants access to results of CMIP6 simulations from IPSL-ESM through ESGF. It also provides access to the model description and to a contact person for further information on the model.  CNRS-IPSL also provides access to the NEMO code and its components. 

CNRS-IPSL coordinates the national research infrastructure on climate modelling CLIMERI-France, which supports the French contribution to international coordinated experiments ( CNRS-IPSL has access to the computing resources of the French national infrastructure for high performance computing GENCI.

CNRS-IPSL is running the coupled Earth’s climate system model IPSL-ESM. This model has contributed to the CMIP3, CMIP5 and CMIP6 international WCRP coordinated experiments. CNRS-IPSL uses the GENCI national supercomputing facilities and manages a data node within the international ESGF database. CNRS-IPSL coordinates the national research infrastructure on climate modelling CLIMERI-France, which supports the French contribution to international coordinated experiments (
