published May 23, 2023 , last modified Jun 26, 2023

WP1: Production runs at unprecedented resolution on pre-exascale supercomputers

WP1 developed coupled weather and climate models in unprecedented technical quality and performance as well as the organisational framework to assess their scientific performance. (Peter Dueben, ECMWF; Kim Serradell and Mario Accosta, BSC)

WP2: Establish, evaluate and watch new technologies for the community

WP2 established, evaluated and watched new technologies to prepare climate and weather simulation for the exascale era. (Rupert Ford, UKRI; Carlos Osuna, MeteoSwiss)

WP3: HPC services to prepare the community for the pre-exascale

WP3 developed and provided services to improve performance and portability of climate codes with respect to existing and upcoming tier1 and tier0 computers. (Ben van Werhoven, NLeSC; Erwan Raffin, Bull)

WP4: Data systems for scale

WP4 provided the necessary toolchain to handle data at pre-exa-scale and exa-scale, for single simulations, and ensembles. (Bryan Lawrence, UREAD; Julian Kunkel, UREAD)

WP5: Data Post-Processing, Analytics and Visualisation

WP5 enhanced the tools to analyse and visualise these data. (Sandro Fiore, CMCC; Niklas Roeber, DKRZ)

WP6: Community Engagement and Training

WP6 linked ESiWACE2 to the weather and climate community it serves on the one hand and to the European HPC ecosystem on the other hand. (Sylvie Joussaume, CNRS-IPSL; Sophie Valcke, CERFACS)

WP7: Scientific Coordination, Management and Dissemination

WP7 ensured an effective and smooth high-quality implementation of the project and puts strong emphasis on dissemination of ESiWACE2 achievements (Joachim
Biercamp, DKRZ)