published Jun 30, 2020 , last modified Dec 14, 2021

With funding from the ESiWACE2 project, a semi-automated literature study on the state of exascale computing was carried out by a team of research engineers from the Netherlands eScience Center and has been published in the journal ACM Computing Surveys. The paper provides an overview of the current body of knowledge on exascale computing and on insights into the most important trends and research opportunities in this field. The authors identify two major obstacles, which will have to be overcome: software complexity and data volume.

Publication details:
Stijn Heldens, Pieter Hijma, Ben Van Werkhoven, Jason Maassen, Adam Belloum and Rob van Nieuwpoort: The Landscape of Exascale Research: A Data-Driven Literature Analysis. ACM Computing Surveys 53, 2, Article 23 (March 2021). 43 pages. DOI: