published Jul 26, 2021 , last modified Apr 05, 2023
What is your role in ESiWACE?

As part of the project office, I take care of external communication and dissemination activities, e.g. filling the ESiWACE project website, editing our quarterly newsletter, taking part in overarching CoE activities, co-organising and promoting ESiWACE workshops, meetings and trainings. Besides the daily internal project communication and organising monthly project meetings, I also assist our project partners with reporting to the European Commission.

What do you appreciate most about your work?

I enjoy working in a diverse international team, close to research. For me it is inspiring to handle different topics and to foster communication and exchange within and outside the project, ensuring that things runs smoothly and that everyone receives the information they need.

Which question in climate and weather research interests you the most?

How will global warming and climate change affect extreme weather events and weather patterns in general? And how will we humans respond to this global challenge? In addition to the physical science basis, I am interested in the social dynamics and psychological aspects around climate change.

Dela Spickermann
Department Application Support
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
Bundesstraße 45a,
D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
e-mail: c3BpY2tlcm1hbm5AZGtyei5kZQ==