published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

SMHI ( is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of the Environment. SMHI offers products and services that provide organisations with important environmental information to support decision-making. The main fields include weather and climate forecasts/projections, industry-specific services, simulations and analyses. SMHI has a strong R&D focus. With climate research involving all of six research sections, including the Rossby Centre that is responsible for the development and application of regional and global climate models. In particular, the Rossby Centre has a key role in the development of the EC-Earth model, being a core development group of the EC-Earth consortium and leading the development of the most recent model generation, EC-Earth 4. The Rossby Centre also has extensive experience in the development and application of advanced regional climate models.

Role in the project

SMHI contributes to WP1, which undertakes production runs at unprecedented resolution on pre-exascale supercomputers. As a main developer of the participating EC-Earth 4 climate model, SMHI guarantees the timely development of the base-line EC-Earth version that is used in ESiWACE, as well as integrating developments stemming from the project into the main line of EC-Earth evolution. SMHI works in particular on the coupled atmosphere-ocean configuration and runtime environment that will allow for the very high-resolution runs to be carried out on current and pre-exascale systems.

Specifically, SMHI implements and tests the GCM configuration that includes flexible coupling of grids at different resolutions (T1.2) and provides a build and runtime environment for the HPC systems used as resources for ESiWACE (T1.3). The latter includes porting of EC-Earth 4 to EuroHPC systems.

Names of the colleagues involved

Uwe Fladrich (scientific software developer), Klaus Wyser (climate scientist)


For references about EC-Earth, can be used.