published Nov 09, 2021 , last modified Dec 08, 2021

The OASIS Coupler is used to assemble more than 80 coupled applications. Around 70 climate modelling groups around the world use the software, and before ESiWACE2 the OASIS developers at Cerfacs were spending a lot of time on user support. They answered questions, maintained the website and updated the documentation. Cerfacs also organised training, but it reached only a few people and the demand was high. With the support of ESiWACE2, it was then possible to realise an important task: a Short Private Online Course (SPOC) on code coupling with OASIS3-MCT. Cerfacs had some experience in setting up SPOCs, and this format was fully relevant to learn about the coupler.

Users and developers benefit from the SPOC

The SPOC on Code Coupling with OASIS3-MCT mixes theory, videos, quizzes and hands-on. The goal for participants is to instrument two toy models to set up a real coupled model exchanging coupling fields and learn about the re-gridding function in OASIS3-MCT. It requires about 20 hours of work. There was a first session in July 2020, and a second in April 2021, each time gathering a dozen participants. During those periods, OASIS developers gave two-hour live introductions and answered specific questions. But there were hardly any of these because the SPOC was so well-built. What a gain in efficiency in teaching people how to use the coupler!

Currently, a slightly modified version is being developed so that anyone wanting to learn about OASIS at any time can follow that SPOC and start working on their coupled model without delays. Of course, Cerfacs developers will always answer user-specific questions, solve user-specific problems, maintain the web site and update the User Guide , but at least the time devoted to training has been efficiently reduced. The development of this SPOC is therefore good for both OASIS users and OASIS developers.

Sophie Valcke, Cerfacs