published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified May 09, 2023

The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) is a Foundation aimed at furthering knowledge in the field of climate variability, its causes and impacts and their interactions with the global climate through the development of high-resolution simulations of the atmosphere and ocean, surface and underground hydrology, environmental and socio-economic effects models. The following eleven research Divisions work together in an interdisciplinary manner: ASC (Advanced Scientific Computing), CSP (Climate Simulations and Predictions), ECIP (Economic Analysis of Impact and Policy), IAFES (Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystems Services), IPSO (Innovative Platforms for Science Outreach), ISCD (Information Systems for Climate science and Decision-making), ODA (Ocean modelling and Data Assimilation), OPA (Ocean Predictions and Applications), RAAS (Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies), REMHI (REgional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts), SEME (Sustainable Earth Modeling Economics).

Role in the project

CMCC’s contribution to ESiWACE3 is dedicated to WP2, WP3, and WP6.

CMCC co-leads WP2 on the Development of community tools. CMCC will be focused on porting to heterogeneous hardware and accelerators such as GPUs and the NEMO model using PSyclone DSL. CMCC will contribute to the improvement of PSyclone by developing new code transformations.

WP3 is focused on tackling the data challenge, and CMCC will contribute to developing innovative HPDA solutions for enhanced analysis capacity and reproducibility.

WP6 is dedicated to community engagement, dissemination and exploitation. CMCC will contribute to the organisation of the 8th ENES HPC Workshop.

List of people involved

Dr Italo Epicoco, Dr Alessandro D’Anca, Dr Donatello Elia, Dr Simona Masina, Dr Dorotea Iovino, Francesca Mele

Relevant infrastructure and services

Infrastructure: The CMCC Supercomputing Center is the only computational facility in Italy specialising in Climate Change research. It includes two parallel clusters named Zeus and Juno.

Zeus is based on 348 Lenovo SD530 dual processor nodes (for a total of 12.528 cores). Juno is based on 340 Intel Xeon 8360Y for a total of 12240 cores and 20 NVIDIA A100 40GB.

The HPC storage infrastructure consists of a storage system which offers a usable capacity of 4PB.

Datasets: CMCC publishes about 500TB of climate simulation datasets in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 federated data archives related to CMCC models.
