published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified May 09, 2023
About the partner

The German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) provides state-of-the-art supercomputing and data service infrastructure to the German and international climate research community. More than 1000 national and international scientific users use the technical infrastructure of DKRZ to generate, process, analyse and visualise vast amounts of data in the context of climate research.

As important as providing the infrastructure for research, DKRZ delivers general user support and specific support for problems related to scientific computing in simulation-based climate research. In many national and international projects, DKRZ takes a role as an acknowledged HPC expert, especially in the field of code optimisation and parallelisation and participates. 

From  2016 to 2023, DKRZ coordinated the Centre of Excellence ESiWACE and ESiWACE2.

Role in the project

In ESiWACE3, DKRZ has a general role as coordinator to guarantee a smooth transition from previous phases.

Further, DKRZ leads the WP3 in Tackling the data challenge. Developments of novel data management concepts and recommendations for domain-specific data compression derived from community input will deliver solutions to deal efficiently and intelligently with the increased data volume of high-resolution ESM simulation experiments on exascale machines. The resulting developments will be deployed for user testing and made available to the community to enhance the capacity of the European climate simulation community to cope with the impending exponential growth in data volume while still allowing for the increasing complexity of analysis. WP3 will also supply its developments to the ESiWACE3 training and dissemination activities.

DKRZ also co-leads the WP6-Community Engagement, Dissemination, and Exploitation. DKRZ will contribute to this WP by promoting the organisation and participation in activities to connect with the HPC scientific community, technology providers and users and sharing knowledge with other relevant European projects and initiatives.  

Finally, DKRZ leads the activities around  HPCW, the High-Performance Climate and Weather benchmark.

List of people involved

Karsten Peters-von Gehlen (WP3 leader), Joachim Biercamp (WP6 co-leader), Fanny Adloff (WP6, community engagement & link with ENES Research Infrastructure), Marco Kulüke (WP3, novel Data Concepts).

Relevant infrastructure and services 

DKRZ operates Levante, one of the largest supercomputers in Germany, comprising 2,832 CPU nodes equipped with two AMD EPYC processors each (more than 360,000 cores in total), which deliver a total peak computing performance of 14 petaFLOPS. Levante also features a partition of 60 GPU nodes providing a peak performance of 2.8 PetaFLOPS. Levante has a storage system of approximately 130 Petabytes manufactured by DDN.

Concerning data services, DKRZ operates the FAIR-enabling World Data Center for Climate (WDCC), hosting more than 3.5 Petabytes of fully documented climate data accessible via field-based data access. DKRZ is a non-profit and non-commercial limited company and participates in many national and international projects related to climate modelling.
