published Jul 26, 2021 , last modified Apr 05, 2023
What is your role in ESiWACE?

As part of the project office, I take part in coordination and dissemination activities of ESiWACE. Together with Florian Ziemen (DKRZ), I support the DYAMOND inter-comparison initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) and take care of data sets and user requests. In addition I perform ICON demonstrator runs to show how close ESiWACE is to exascale.

What do you appreciate most about your work?

I love to work with HPC systems and with researchers. Within ESiWACE, I have the pleasure of doing so in collaboration with scientists and software developers from Europe and from all over the world. Together we are improving weather and climate simulations and their analysis.

Which question in climate and weather research interests you the most?

Facing the world's changing climate, climate and weather research is one of the most important topics of our life today. Since I‘m not a researcher in this field, but more of a programmer, I‘m very interested in how these simulations, combined with field studies of different disciplines, generate knowledge and advice for policymakers.

Dr. Julia Duras
Department Application Support
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
Bundesstraße 45a,
D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
e-mail: ZHVyYXNAZGtyei5kZQ==