published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is an international organisation supported by 34 European and Mediterranean States. ECMWF's longstanding principal objectives are the development of numerical methods for medium-range weather forecasting, the operational delivery of medium-to-seasonal range weather forecasts for distribution to the meteorological services of the Member States, to lead scientific and technical research directed to the improvement of these forecasts, and the collection and storage of appropriate meteorological data. ECMWF has extensive competence in operating complex global forecasting suites on high-performance computers and in transitioning top-level science from research to operations exploiting innovative approaches in computing science to fulfil the tight runtime and delivery constraints required by Member States. ECMWF has signed the delegation agreement with the European Commission to operate the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service and the Copernicus Climate Change Service.

Role in the project

Apart from being the co-coordinator of the ESiWACE-2 project, ECMWF is leading WP1 on cutting edge resolution in Earth System modelling and contributing to WP2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. The work of ESiWACE-2 links closely to ECMWF’s own Scalability Programme launched in 2013 that aims at developing the next-generation forecasting system addressing the challenges of future exascale high-performance computing and data management architectures.

ECMWF will contribute to a detailed performance assessment and performance improvements of coupled model simulations with the IFS and NEMO models for simulations at very high resolution that are running in production mode (with full IO and a throughput of at least 1 simulated-year-per-day).  ECMWF will also help to establish domain specific languages (DSLs) within the community of weather and climate modelling and support the benchmarking of weather and climate applications.

Names of the colleagues involved

Dr. Peter Dueben, Dr. Peter Bauer, Dr. Glenn Carver, Dr. Tiago Quintino, Dr. Daniel Thiemert

         Dr. Peter Dueben

Relevant infrastructure and services available for climate & weather

ECMWF's computer facility includes supercomputers, archiving systems and networks. ECMWF's multi-petaflops supercomputer facility is designed for operational resiliency featuring two Cray XC40 systems. The system comprises two independent subsystems located in separate halls. It has separate resilient power and cooling systems to protect against a wide range of possible failures. Each subsystem consists of 3,610 compute nodes with Intel Broadwell processors (two CPU chips per node; 18 cores per CPU chip) and 10 petabytes of high performance parallel storage.

ECMWF is using its computing and data handling infrastructure to produce operational forecasts, to archive atmospheric data, and to disseminate global model output to member states under tight schedules.

ECMWF also operates a large-scale data handling system, in which all ECMWF users can store and retrieve data that is needed to perform weather modelling, research in weather modelling, and mining of weather data.

