published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified May 09, 2023
About the partner

The Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI) is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of the Environment. SMHI offers products and services that provide organisations with important environmental information to support decision-making. The main fields include weather and climate forecasts/projections, industry-specific services, simulations and analyses. SMHI has a strong R&D focus. Climate research involves all six research sections, including the Rossby Centre, responsible for developing and applying regional and global climate models. In particular, the Rossby Centre has a crucial role in developing the EC-Earth model, being a core development group of the EC-Earth consortium and leading the development of the most recent model generation, EC-Earth 4. The Rossby Centre also has extensive experience developing and applying advanced regional climate models.

Role in the project

SMHI contributes to work packages WP1, WP4, WP5 and WP6, focussing on containerising climate models and associated services and training, community building and networking. SMHI will develop a containerised version of the EC-Earth climate model and provide services to deploy the model in the user environment at European HPC centres. Related training material for the containerised EC-Earth version will be developed, and courses will be provided to the user community. SMHI will contribute to the coordination of training activities in ESiWACE3 and the quality assurance of published training material in the project. SMHI will further develop the community engagement strategy, particularly towards a more inclusive and diverse community.

List of people involved

Nicola Brown (WP5 co-leader), Uwe Fladrich, Helena Martins

Relevant infrastructure and services

As a leading developer of the participating EC-Earth 4 climate model, SMHI guarantees the timely development of the baseline EC-Earth version used in ESiWACE and integrates developments stemming from the project into the main line of EC-Earth evolution.
