Are you interested in learning more about ESiWACE activities? Read our stories on selected project-related topics and events.
Mar 05, 2019
last modified
Jun 15, 2023
DYAMOND – an initiative which pushes the limits
By co-organising and supporting the DYAMOND initiative, ESiWACE pushes the limits of climate and weather models all over the world and teaches how to work, provide and analyse this large amount of data.
(01.12. 2022)
EC-Earth4: Developing a Next Generation Earth System Model
What is the common denominator of EC-Earth's transition to OpenIFS, an improved coupling workflow, reduction of computational bottlenecks and high resolution demonstrator configurations? They all have been achieved with major support from the ESiWACE projects. (08.12.2021)
Efficiently learning how to use the OASIS coupler
A Short Private Online Course (SPOC) with a mixture of theory, videos, quizzes and hands-on makes it easier to learn and to teach OASIS. In the future, anyone wanting to work with OASIS can follow the SPOC at any time and get started with their coupled model immediately. (09.11.2021)
ESiWACE2 Domain Specific Language (DSL) training
The ESiWACE2 Domain Specific Language Training was a week-long online event in November 2020, providing insights into PSyclone, CLAW and the GridTools ecosystem
and their application to weather & climate models. (23.12.2020)
Online training on High-Performance Data Analytics and Visualisation organised by ESiWACE2
The first online training course on High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Visualisation organised by CMCC and DKRZ in the context of ESiWACE2 was held on October 6th, 13th, 22nd and on November 3rd. (23.12.2020)
Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weather
From 24 to 28 August 2020, we realised the Summer School on Effective HPC for Climate and Weather 2020 as an online event. (30.09.2020)
ESiWACE2 Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Weather and Climate Modelling
The ESiWACE2 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Weather and Climate Modelling on 30 June, 2020 took place as a virtual event. (29.07.2020)
Literature study on the state of exascale computing
The paper provides an overview of the current body of knowledge on exascale computing and on insights into the most important trends and research opportunities in this field. (30.06.2020)
Virtual 6th ENES HPC Workshop and ESiWACE2 annual meeting
From 25 to 29 May, 2020, DKRZ hosted the 6th HPC workshop of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) as a virtual event within the framework of ESiWACE2, the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe. (15.06.2020)
Video illustrates the reasons for and activities in ESiWACE
Watch our image video clip to find out what we do in ESiWACE, what drives us, and how ESiWACE fits into the bigger picture of climate and weather research on upcoming generations of (pre-)exascale supercomputers. (04.11.2019)
ESiWACE Motivation: Performing convection resolving simulations
High-resolution simulations over the tropical Atlantic using the ICON model simulate atmospheric features such as cold pools in unprecedented detail. Within ESiWACE, we aim at running such convection resolving simulations on a global scale. (05.03.2019)
A glimpse of global high-resolution atmosphere simulations
How realistically can we simulate and visualise atmospheric properties such as cloud water and cloud ice from state-of-the-art high resolution models? (05.03.2019)
Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Simulations
Animated visualisations show the evolution of ocean surface current speed, sea ice extent and ocean temperature simulated with coupled atmosphere-ocean models. (05.03.2019)
ESiWACE at the Supercomputing Conference 2016 (SC16)
Julian Kunkel, Jakob Luettgau and colleagues presented a strategy for modeling and simulating tape libraries and introduced a new middleware for earth system data being developed within the ESiWACE project. (05.03.2019)
Find out about the Horizon 2020-funded EU projects ESCAPE and ESCAPE-2 developing world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather and climate prediction and how this relates to ESiWACE. (05.03.2019)