published Mar 01, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

The Met Office (MetO) is the UK’s national weather service and is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

As the UK’s national meteorological service, it provides a range of products and services to a large number of public and private sector organisations, 24/7.

MetO provides critical weather services and world-leading climate science, helping everyone to make better decisions to stay safe and thrive and its vision is to be recognised as global leaders in weather and climate science and services in our changing world.  Since its foundation in 1854, the Met Office has pioneered the science of meteorology and its application. MetO continues to push the boundaries of science and technology, so that it can meet the demands of today and the future.  MetO represents the UK within the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and plays a prominent key role in the international weather and climate community, uniting scientific leaders from every corner of the globe, delivering extraordinary impact and benefit to the world around us. MetO has a long experience in developing successful software infrastructures to support both Weather and Climate scientists and models including archive systems, user interfaces, build and configuration management systems.

Role in the project

MetO is contributing to:

WP1 “Production runs at unprecedented resolution on pre-exascale supercomputers” – applying/testing XIOS in ensemble scenarios of potential future MetO model configurations. 

WP2 “Establish, evaluate and watch new technologies for the community”, in partiuclar DSLs in the community. WP3 “HPC services to prepare the community for the pre-exascale”, with a focus upon cylc workflows. WP4 “Data systems for scale”, workflows enhancements supporting Earth System Data Middleware.

Names of the colleagues involved

Glenn Greed, Iva Kavcic, Dave Matthews, Stuart Whitehouse, Richard Gilham.

Relevant infrastructure and services available for climate & weather

2x Cray XC 40 with a mixture of Haswell and Broadwell Intel CPU chips with a combined 6212 nodes and 218752 cores and 12 PBytes of Storage

A HPSS based active archive with a tape library system with capacity that will grow to 800 PBytes in 2017 with an 8 Pbyte DDN disk cache provided by SGI.

36 node SGI scientific processing cluster with a 1 PByte high performance DDN file system.
