published Apr 20, 2016 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

The OpenIFS programme at Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) provides academic and research institutions with an easy-to-use version of the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System model (OpenIFS model), the single column model (SCM) and the offline-surface model (OSM). The OpenIFS model provides the full forecast capability of IFS, supporting software and documentation but without the data assimilation system. OpenIFS has a support team at ECMWF for technical assistance but limited resources for detailed scientific assistance.

ESiWACE supports the integration of OpenIFS in the Earth System Model (EC-Earth) and thus allows a more frequent update of the atmospheric model component following the ECMWF model upgrades. Further, compute performance enhancements provided with OpenIFS in ESiWACE can be tested more easily within the EC-Earth framework.


How to apply for support:

General user support will be given through the ECMWF: please apply via email to b3Blbmlmcy1zdXBwb3J0QGVjbXdmLmludA==.

Support for EC-Earth is provided by the Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (SMHI): please use the contact form at

