published Jul 26, 2021 , last modified Apr 05, 2023
What is your role in ESiWACE?

Work package leader and active citizen of the ESiWACE community.

What do you appreciate most about your work?

To have new, interesting challenges every day, and to meet very smart and interesting people from all over the world. In ESiWACE, I really enjoy the possibility to interact and engage with the different scientific groups who are working on the various aspects of weather and climate modelling. ESiWACE provides a great platform to generate synergies and to develop useful tools together.

Which question in climate and weather research interests you the most?

When we will finally solve turbulence, run a 1km atmosphere model on a mobile phone, and have open access to all weather and climate data that has been generated ever?

What drives you and what do you want to achieve?

If we work hard, we can improve weather and climate predictions for the benefit of society and the Earth. Let’s do that.

Peter Dueben
Research Department

European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK
e-mail: cGV0ZXIuZHVlYmVuQGVjbXdmLmludA==