published Jul 28, 2021 , last modified Apr 05, 2023

This service supports the exascale preparations of the weather and climate modelling community in Europe. We create short collaboration projects that provide guidance, engineering, and advice for improving model efficiency and for porting models to existing and upcoming computing infrastructures. All groups developing and maintaining weather and climate codes - not only the ESiWACE2 partners - can apply. The projects, funded by ESiWACE2, will be granted in-kind contributions by the Netherlands eScience Center and/or Atos-Bull.

So if you are developing a weather / climate model and are looking for guidance, engineering, and advice to prepare your code for new hardware platforms such as GPUs, please submit an application to our Service 1 call!

How to apply for support:

Our ESiWACE Service 1 calls open every year in Sptember. For the application procedure, see the corresponding call.

2019: For the 2019 call, four projects were awarded funding and have received support in HPC optimization and parallelization during 2020.

2020: The call for proposals in ESiWACE2 Service 1(pdf) closed beginning of November, 2020. The four projects FESOM2, AGRIF, DALES, and RTE+RRTMGP C++ were awarded support during 2021.

2021: The call for proposals in ESiWACE2 Service 1 (pdf) closed on November 1, 2021. Four new projects were awarded funding and are receiving support during 2022.