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2nd ESiWACE3 Hackathon - announcement
ESiWACE3 celebrates its 2nd hackathon in Amsterdam from 24 to 26 June 2024
ESiWACE3 8M social media campaign
ESiWACE3 celebrates International Women’s Day on its social media channels
Showcase services videos
ESiWACE2 services receivers and providers explain their experiences to encourage people to apply for the ESiWACE3 services
ESiWACE3 Call for Proposals 2024
The Call for Proposals (CfP) to apply for Service 1 and Service 2 is now open!
Joint workshop on digital twins | ESiWACE3 & HiDALGO2 - HiPEAC Conference 2024
ESiWACE3 will participate at the HiPEAC 2024 conference with a workshop co-organised with HiDALGO2
ESiWACE3 celebrates its 2nd General Assembly
After the Kick-Off meeting celebrated earlier this year in February, ESiWACE3 held its 2nd General Assembly last week.
ESiWACE3 adheres to the ESM25’s Climate Research Communication Network
The ESM25 European project promotes the network
The 1st Issue of the ESiWACE3 Newsletter is out!
The June 2023 issue of the ESiWACE3 newsletter, which is the first issue prepared by the ESiWACE3 team, has just been released.
Running weather and climate models on LUMI
The first ESiWACE3 Hackathon in tangent with the workshop “HPC workflows for climate modelling”
“The ESiWACE3 week” media campaign
Social media campaign to present the new phase of the project by means of a series of videos
ESiWACE3 at the ISC23 under the umbrella of the EuroHPC JU booth
ESiWACE3 will be present at ISC23 thanks to the booth of the EuroHPC JU
ESiWACE3 Call for proposals 2023-2024
The first ESiWACE3 Call For Proposals (CFP) to apply for support from our research engineers is now open!
Final issue of the ESiWACE2 newsletter published
We have just released the February 2023 issue of the ESiWACE2 newsletter, which is the final issue prepared by the ESiWACE2 team. From end of March on, the ESiWACE3 team coordinated by BSC is taking over!
Recently published ESiWACE2 Deliverables
ESiWACE2 on the home stretch: With the second funding phase coming to an end by 31 March 2023, we have ramped up our efforts and have released a number of project deliverables in the previous months.
ESiWACE3: The third phase of the project has officially started
With the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) held on 1 and 2 February 2023 on the premises of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), the 3rd phase of the Center of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (aka ESiWACE) has officially been launched.
ESiWACE2 Final General Assembly & ESiWACE3 Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona
From January 30 until February 2, 2023, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) hosted two consecutive meetings of ESiWACE: The Final General Assembly of ESiWACE phase 2 and the Kick-Off Meeting of ESiWACE3.
ESiWACE2 2nd Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies - video recordings available!
Did you miss the presentations given at the ESiWACE2 Second Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Weather and Climate Modelling, or would you like to revisit them? Most of them are now available on the ESiWACE YouTube channel!
ESiWACE2 2nd Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies successfully completed
The second Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Weather and Climate Modelling organised in the context of the ESiWACE2 project was successfully held as a virtual event on 7 October 2022.
HPDA & Visualisation training 2022 successfully completed
In this third and final ESiWACE2 online training on High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Visualisation, more than 50 registered participants from 17 countries learned the ropes of HPDA and visualisation using Ophidia, PyOphidia and ParaView.
Submit your DYAMOND papers for Special Edition of JMSJ/SOLA
JMSJ and SOLA call for papers on meteorology, climate and environmental science conducted with high-performance computing for their special editions. Submissions are welcome until December 31, 2023!
Register now for the 2nd ESiWACE2 Virtual Workshop on Emerging Technologies!
October 7 will be a day full of inspiring presentations on European exascale hardware, programming models and hardware interplay and machine learning . Be sure to register before 4 October!
View the DYAMOND analysis at UMAP 2022
From 25-29 July 2022, the DYAMOND data analysis will be presented at the 3rd Pan-GASS Meeting, Understanding and Modeling Atmospheric Processes (UMAP 2022) at Monterey, CA, USA.