published Nov 09, 2023


Next Sunday, 12 November, will start in Denver (CO, USA), the 35th edition of the SC Conference (SC23), the international conference for High Performance Computing, networking, storage, and analysis. This annual event, held this year from 12 - 17 November 2023, brings together the international HPC community, providers and users from industry, public institutions and research organisations. Every year, it attracts attendees worldwide who gather to see the latest innovations in HPC and related fields. And ESiWACE3 will take advantage of the occasion to present itself to the community. 

Thanks to the booth that the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) will have at the event as an exhibitor for the first time, ESiWACE3 will be present at SC23. The stand, booth 204, will gather information on the EuroHPC JU initiative as well as on its funded projects and centres of excellence. 

Do not miss the opportunity to pass by and discover more about the 3rd phase of the Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe!

Looking forward to seeing you at SC23!