published May 08, 2017
  • Workshop "Exascale I/O for Unstructured Grids"
  • 2017-09-25T10:00:00+02:00
  • 2017-09-26T18:00:00+02:00
  • WP4 ESiWACE is organizing a workshop about exascale I/O for unstructured grids on September Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th that takes place at DKRZ, Hamburg and invite you all to participate in this workshop and (potentially) give a talk related to this topic. Please fill the form to indicate your interest and optionally a preliminary title (or send an email to a3Vua2VsQGRrcnouZGU=): >>>>Feel free to forward this invite to colleagues that might be interested to participate!<<<< +++The exact workshop date is not yet fixed as we adjust it based on your feedback+++

Sep 25, 2017 10:00 AM to Sep 26, 2017 06:00 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)



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When dealing with large amounts of data, the I/O subsystem of modern Supercomputers is one of the most sensible components with regards to performance. Today, application scientists from different backgrounds have to struggle with the details of parallel file systems to obtain optimal performance. Only to a certain extend the management of the data is supported by libraries like HDF5. An especially challenging example is the storage of results computed on unstructured grids, maybe including grid adaptivity, occurring for example in computations in structural mechanics, cosmology or climate simulations.

The workshop will bring together experts from application development, middleware and storage design to discuss the issues of storing and accessing large datasets, especially data on unstructured grids. The main goal of the workshop is the identification of future proof strategies for the efficient access large data sets with respect to an optimal utilization of modern storage subsystems and memory hierarchies.

Workshop homepage: