published Jul 22, 2020

R. Ford, Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK)

Abstract: ESiWACE2 is a European Union H2020-funded Centre of Excellence whose primary mission is to prepare Weather and Climate models for the Exascale era. One of the areas of investigation in ESiWACE2 is Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). DSLs are of interest as they allow the specification and coding of the natural science to be separated from its parallelisation and optimisation. Such a separation therefore offers the potential of both higher scientific productivity and performance portability. The work on DSLs in ESiWACE2 is focused on Gridtools and PSyclone and can be split into 4 categories 1) demonstration of the use of DSLs on real models on pre-exascale machines, 2) comparison of the two approaches through selected benchmarks, 3) interoperability between the two DSLs and 4) evaluation of the performance of DSLs compared with hand-tuned solutions. This talk introduced the work proposed in these 4 categories in more detail and presents the progress to date.