published May 06, 2020 , last modified Jul 29, 2020

Jun 30, 2020 to Jul 01, 2020
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)



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The workshop was organised in the context of the “
Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe” (ESiWACE) phase 2 and brought together experts on Machine Learning, Exascale hardware and Programming Models at a virtual event using video conference software.


The virtual workshop was structured in three sessions:

Session 1: Exascale hardware
Session 2: Programming models and hardware interplay
Session 3: Machine learning

Click here for presentation slides and abstracts and here for the news text on the event.

The final workshop agenda (PDF) without connection details is available here.

Contact persons for the workshop: Giovanni Aloisio (CMCC), Graham Riley (UNIMAN), Sandro Fiore (CMCC), Carlos Osuna (MeteoSwiss)

To get in touch with the workshop organization team, please send an e-mail to: .