
Feb 11, 2016 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Barcelona (ES)


ESiWACE scientists and ESiWACE supporters are invited. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

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The Barcelona Supercomputing Center is partner of the Research Data Alliance (RDA - http://rd-alliance.org ). The aim of the organization is to improve the data sharing across the academia world and industry, but currently there is still no clear representation of Earth sciences. So, our intention is to promote inside RDA an Interest Group (IG, https://rd-alliance.org/groups/interest-groups ) about weather, climate and air quality, to explore and discuss the challenges for the use and efficient analysis of large and diverse datasets from the climate, weather and air quality communities.

Based on the collaboration between several research meteorological and European climate institutes, but also taking into account the input from the private (from the renewable energies, satellites and agriculture sectors for example) and public sectors, this IG will suggest practical and applicable solutions for Big Data issues, both at technological and policy level, encountered by these communities.

For this reason we are organizing a small one day workshop the 11th of February in Barcelona. We will discuss about the IG creation and have a sort of “kick-off” of it. We are pleased to invite you to participate.

As this is a small event (around 30 people) whose goal is to have precise technical discussions, places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

You can ask for registration sending an email to:
 Francesco Benincasa  <mailto:francesco.benincasa@bsc.es>) OR Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière  (pierre-antoine.bretonniere@bsc.es <mailto:pierre-antoine.bretonniere@bsc.es>).
We apologize for the short notice.