published Apr 25, 2023

May 25, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Hamburg (Germany)

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On Thursday 25 May, EuroHPC JU will host a workshop from 09h00 to 13h00: "What’s Next in European Supercomputing and How to Get Access to Europe's Biggest Supercomputers for Free?". (Hall Y7 - 2nd Floor)

The purpose of the workshop it to present the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, its activities and opportunities. Speakers from the EuroHPC JU and from projects funded by the JU will share practical tips and feedbacks about accessing EuroHPC supercomputers for free and how to get support to access such top of the range resources.

09h00- 10h00- 1st part- EuroHPC JU’s updates

  • Anders Dam Jensen, EuroHPC JU- overview of the EuroHPC JU activities– what’s next for the EuroHPC JU?
  • Daniel Opalka, EuroHPC JU- R&I updates and opportunities for researchers
  • Evangelos Floros, EuroHPC JU- Available EuroHPC Computing Resources and next procurements.
  • Q&A

10h00- 10h45- 2nd part focusing on Access

  • Klara Mestrovic, EuroHPC JU–How to get access to European biggest supercomputers for free 
  • Q&A

10h45-11h15 – Break

11h15- 12h30- 3rd part users support to access

  • Lilit Axner, EuroHPC JU- European research and innovation, SMEs & Industry collaboration on EuroHPC systems
  • Bastian Koller, HLRS- Support from the Competence Centres
  • Guy Lonsdale, Scapos- How HPC benefits SMEs and support from the Centres of Excellence (CoEs)



We are excited to discuss cutting-edge aspects of supercomputing with our visitors and among the HPC community. Come see us at booth B201 on the exhibitor floor, attend the EuroHPC JU conference session and join our workshop!

  • high performance computing
  •  - 
  • Germany

Practical information

Congress Center Hamburg