published Sep 17, 2015 , last modified Sep 23, 2015

Nov 09, 2015 from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
(Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Brussels (BE)


Joachim Biercamp (coordinator)

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Participants: e-Infrastructure projects funded by the EU under the work programme 2014-2015 of Horizon 2020, by invitation of the EC

Organizer: European Commission DG Connect

Agenda: not available yet

Location: Brussels (BE)

Background: e-Infrastructure projects like ESiWACE are expected to coordinate their work with related projects. To trigger this process, the EC has made a preliminary allocation of projects into project groups. ESiWACE project has been allocated to one or more project groups. The groups are expected to work proactively and independently. A Programme Officer (PO) at the EC has been identified for each group to facilitate its work. The purpose of these groups is to exploit synergies, remove overlaps and identify gaps, as well as to share knowledge among the projects in each project group. In practice this may mean mutual and cross-domain cooperation; exploring from an early stage options for sharing know-how, computing facilities, organising joint pilots and demos, and common business or sustainability perspectives.
The aim of the e-Concertation meeting is to agree on a final allocation of projects into groups, to kick off the project groups' activities, and decide the  next concrete steps.

Organizer: eInfrastructure, DG CNECT, European Commission