- https://www.esiwace.eu/events/6th-hpc-workshop/6th-hpc-workshop
- Virtual 6th HPC workshop on 25-26 and 28-29 May, 2020
- 2020-05-25T00:00:00+02:00
- 2020-05-30T23:59:59+02:00
- The 6th ENES Workshop on High Performance Computing for Climate and Weather was held as a virtual event.
May 25, 2020
May 30, 2020
(Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
This workshop of the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) brought together experts on HPC in earth system modeling at a virtual event using videoconference software.
Building on the previous ENES HPC workshops (Lecce, 2011 & 2018; Toulouse, 2013 & 2016; Hamburg, 2014), the talks were structured in four sessions:
- Session1: Very high-resolution modeling
- Session 2: Performance portability
- Session 3: Machine learning for parameterization schemes
- Session 4: Challenges in exascale data processing and visualization
Click here for presentation slides and abstracts.
The workshop ran over four half days, taking into account the different time zones of the speakers:
- Monday, 25 May: 16:00-18:50 CEST: Session 1
- Tuesday, 26 May: 9:00-12:25 CEST: Session 1 / Session 2
- Thursday, 28 May: 16:30-19:55 CEST: Session 2 / Session 3
- Friday, 29 May: 15:00-18:45 CEST: Session 3 / Session 4
The final workshop agenda (PDF) without connection details is available here.
In between, on Wednesday, 27 May, the ESiWACE2 annual meeting was held as a virtual event.
Registered participants of the 6th ENES HPC workshop received details on the workshop by e-mail.
Click here for the news text on the event.
To get in touch with us, please send us an e-mail at: aHBjLXdvcmtzaG9wQGVuZXMub3Jn.