published Jun 13, 2018

As a contribution to the "Dyamond Project", the FV3 group at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and the Research Center for Environmental Change (RCEC) at the Academia Sinica, Taiwan, is making several 40-day simulations using an advanced version of the Finite-Volume Dynamical Core on the cubed-Sphere (FV3) that has several built-in SubGrid parameterizations. In particular, the SubGrid Orographical (SGO) effects are now part of the new "FV3 dynamics", which unavoidably breaks the traditional boundary between "dynamics" and "physics". I believe the hard boundary (the confinement) between the "dynamics" and "physics" set by the modeling framework is one reason that limits the progress. This is therefore an evolution in the design and development of the "super dynamics" for the gray zone, defined roughly here as between 1 km to 10 km, which is the gap between weather and climate modeling.

We will carry out the experiments and preliminary analyses across the gray-zone at three different horizontal resolution: 13, 6.5, and 3.25 km. As a potential tool for sub-seasonal predictions, we shall analyze the hindcast skill (first 10 days) and the systematic "climate basis" for the last 30 days.