published Jun 13, 2018 , last modified Jun 18, 2018
Thursday 17 May 2018

Welcome coffee

G. Aloisio (CMCC, IT), J. Biercamp (DKRZ, DE)

Opening and Welcome

Session 1       

European & international exascale ecosystem (Chairs: Aloisio/Navarra)

Abstracts and Slides

P. Messina


Challenges of Exascale Computing, Redux

The ESIWACE project website Slides

S. Bassini


The EuroHPC declaration

The ESIWACE project website Slides

S. Bogaerts


EXDCI – Supporting the European HPC ecosystem towards the Exascale endeavour

The ESIWACE project website Slides

J. Biercamp


ESiWACE - Supporting very high resolution climate simulations in Europe

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Coffee Break

J. Labarta


POP CoE: understanding applications and how to prepare for exascale

The ESIWACE project website Slides

E. Audit


The EoCoE Centre of Excellence

The ESIWACE project website Slides

G. Riley

Univ. of Manchester (UK)

EuroEXA: a co-design project for exascale computing

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Session 2

(Very) high-resolution models & HPC challenges

Abstracts and Slides

S. J. Lin


Preliminary evaluation of systematic biases in a FV3-powered global cloud-permitting mode

The ESIWACE project website Slides

J. Dennis


Code optimizations and the accumulated impact on scientific throughput of an HPC center

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Lunch break

H. Yashiro


Challenges of NICAM toward the exascale era

The ESIWACE project website Slides

L. Gan

Tsinghua University (CN)

Redesigning CAM-SE on Sunway TaihuLight for Peta-Scale Performance

The ESIWACE project website  Slides

C. Osuna

MeteoSwiss (CH)

Near-global climate simulation at 1km resolution with COSMO 5.0

The ESIWACE project website Slides

P. L. Vidale


Tropical Cyclones and resolution sensitivity in HighResMIP GCM

The ESIWACE project website Slides


Coffee Break

P. Neumann


The ESiWACE Demonstrators: Scalability, Performance Prediction, Evaluation

The ESIWACE project website Slides

T. Dubos


DYNAMICO, the IPSL icosahedral dynamical core: status and outlook

The ESIWACE project website Slides

J. Durachta


Towards HPC System Throughput Optimization

The ESIWACE project website Slides

General Discussion & End of Day 1 (Chair: Bauer)

Friday 18 May 2018

Session 3

Tools & Components (Chairs: Valcke/Serradell)

Abstracts and Slides

C. Osuna

MeteoSwiss (CH)

DSL toolchains and performance optimizations for weather and climate codes

The ESIWACE project website Slides

W. Deconinck


Atlas, a library for numerical weather prediction and climate modelling

The ESIWACE project website Slides

R. Ford & A. Porter


PSyclone: a domain-specific compiler for finite element/difference Earth-system modelling codes

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Coffee Break

P. Bauer


Efficiency and scalability of numerical algorithms - from ESCAPE to ESCAPE-2

The ESIWACE project website Slides

V. Clément

MeteoSwiss (CH)

CLAW Compiler: Abstractions for Weather and Climate Models

The ESIWACE project website Slides

R. Montuoro


ESMF Strategies to Address HPC Challenges

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Lunch break

Y. Meurdesoif


Output whole CMIP6 data through the news XIOS parallel workflow functionalities

The ESIWACE project website Slides

S. Valcke


Latest developments on the OASIS3-MCT coupler for improved performance

The ESIWACE project website Slides

M. Acosta


XIOS integration for OpenIFS: Computational Aspects and Performance Evaluation

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Session 4 Panel Discussion (on data centre support for weather and climate models and workflows) (Chair: Lawrence)

Abstracts and Slides

Few minutes of presentation followed by questions and open discussion

Coffee Break

Session 5

European strategies on HPC (Chairs: Joussaume/André)

Abstracts and Slides

T. Eickermann

Juelich (DE) & ETP4HPC (NL)

An update on the ETP4HPC and Extreme Scale Demonstrators

The ESIWACE project website Slides

Summary and further actions (Chair: Biercamp)

End of workshop