published Mar 17, 2016 , last modified May 26, 2016

In order to provide more computing power whilst minimizing energy consumption, high performance computer architectures are becoming more and more complex. To ensure that this added complexity doesn't impact the scientific community, computer experts are working hard to find new programming paradigms that will allow models to reach the highest possible standard of usability, scalability and performance. These evolution presents significant challenges for the development of operational meteorological applications, as they need to be adapted and reworked accordingly.

During this presentation, Allinea will develop its perspective on software development tools (including debugging and profiling) and the enablement of future programming models for the weather and climate community:

  • what are the new paradigms, what challenge may they represent to the developers?
  • how to integrate modern development toolkits in a professional development workflow to pro-actively find and resolve application problems? 

To illustrate these topics, Allinea will analyze a genuine example (coupled model CCLM, CICE, TRIM and OASIS) and demonstrate how the adoption of software development tools has catalyzed the resolution of domain decomposition issues.


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