published Mar 17, 2016 , last modified May 26, 2016

The primary aim of the GungHo project is to demonstrate a scalable, numerically accurate dynamical core suitable to replace the current dynamical core (ENDGame) in the Met Office's Unified Model (UM). This dynamical core is scheduled to become operational around the year 2022.

A prototype version, called Dynamo, is currently in development. The UM's atmospheric dynamical core makes use of a finite-difference scheme on a regular latitude-longitude grid. This causes numerical and scalability issues at the poles for high resolutions.

GungHo has therefore investigated the use of quasi-uniform meshes, such as triangular, icosahedral and cubed-sphere meshes, using finite element methods. GungHo has also implemented a novel separation of concerns for the implementation of Dynamo, termed PSyKAl. In this approach the parallelisation of the code is separated from the science and a code generation system, called PSyclone, is used to generate the former. This approach allows Dynamo to be optimised for a particular hardware architecture, such as multi-core, many-core, GPGPUs, or some combination thereof with no change to the science code.

In this talk we will describe the current status of Dynamo and PSyclone and outline their ongoing development in the LFRic project.


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