published Mar 17, 2016 , last modified Mar 21, 2016
Title Description
A virtual laboratory for earth system studies Ingo Kirchner (Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Meteorology)
CLAW: a tool providing performance portability across emerging computing architectures Jon Rood (ETH Zürich)
EoCoE – Energy Oriented Centre of Excellence Edouard Audit (CEA)
ESCAPE, Energy efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather Prediction at Exascale Peter Bauer (ECMWF)
Future storage, I/O, and data management Oliver Oberst (IBM)
Hardware, software, compilers -Future trends from a vendor‘s perspective Philip Brown (Cray)
HARMONIE, Hirlam-Aladin Research towards Mesoscale Operational NWP In Euromed Alistair McKinstry (Irish Centre for High-End Computing)
High-resolution modelling and big data analysis at RIKEN AICS Seiya Nishizawa (RIKEN AICS (Japan))
How to shape future met- services: a seamless perspective. Paolo Ruti (WMO)
HPC aspects of the ICON model and high-res simulations Panagiotis Adamidis (DKRZ)
HPC future trends from a science perspective Simon McIntosh-Smith (University of Bristol)
Is streaming an alternative for post-processing workflows? Luis Kornblueh (MPI-Met)
Measurements of real model performance V. Balaji, NOAA/GFDL and Princeton University
On the paths to Exascale, will we be hungry? Michael Rezny (ARC Centre of Excellence in Climate System Science)
Recent advances in the GFDL Flexible Modeling System V. Balaji, NOAA/GFDL and Princeton University
Reproducibility of the Earth System Models: A computational point of view Mario Acosta (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Scalability of NorESM highresolution model Alok Kumar Gupta (Uni Research Klima, Norway)
Software standards at the example of the Message Passing Interface MPI Martin Schulz (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory & MPI‐Forum)
Status of the ICON Climate Model port to GPUs Carlos Osuna (MeteoSwiss) and William Sawyer (Swiss National Supercomputing Centre)
STELLA and GridTools Carlos Osuna (MeteoSwiss)
The ESiWACE CoE Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ)
The GungHo Dynamical Core Rupert Ford (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
The hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic global model IFS/ARPEGE Peter Bauer (ECMWF)
The POP project Jesus Labarta (BSC)
The TerrSysMP terrestrial system modelling platform Ketan Kulkarni (Juelich Supercomputing Center)
The use of inexact hardware to improve weather and climate predictions Peter Dueben (University of Oxford)
Weather and climate models: preparing development workflows for Exascale Patrick Wohlschlegel (Allinea)
Why DKRZ asked the smart question? Why Bull expertise was key? Xavier Vigouroux (ATOS)