published Jun 29, 2021 , last modified Jun 15, 2023

Due to the joint interest in high-resolution simulations, ESiWACE strongly supports and interacts with DYAMOND.

The initiative DYAMOND (DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains) sets up a framework for the intercomparison of global storm-resolving models, i.e. an emerging class of atmospheric circulation models.  Through their explicit resolution of the major modes of atmospheric heat transport, they endeavor to represent the most important scales of the full three-dimensional fluid dynamics of the atmospheric circulation.

The idea of DYAMOND arose in October 2017 and started as a joint initiative between the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M, Bjorn Stevens) and University of Tokyo (Masaki Satoh). Further impulse was given through the involvement of US participants (Chris Bretherton, University of Washington) and the Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ, Joachim Biercamp). Furthermore the initiative is supported by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) through the Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research (HErZ) (Daniel Klocke).

DYAMOND addresses two main questions:

  • Where do the storm-resolving simulations agree and provide deeper insights into the climate system?
  • How sensitive are the simulations to a particular implementation?
  • What are performance and analysis bottle necks associated with global storm-resolving models?

Up to now, two experimental phases have been implemented: the DYAMOND Summer simulations covering a boreal summer period and the second phase,  DYAMOND Winter, covering a boreal winter period. Within both phases, experiments are initialised with a global meteorological analysis taken from ECMWF.

See also our story on how DYAMOND pushes the limits of climate and weather models all over the world and teaches how to work, provide and analyse this large amount of data.

Are you interested? Do you want to work with the DYAMOND data?

To scope out details on the work, contribute to the initiative or get access to DYAMOND simulation data, please contact the ESiWACE coordination team


Intercomparison of gobal atmosphere experiments with a storm-resolving grid spacing of 5 km or less, simulating forty days and nights, beginning on 1 August 2016.


The second phase of the DYAMOND initiative: Global atmosphere only and coupled atmosphere-ocean models, with a storm-resolving grid spacing of 5 km or less, simulating forty days and nights, beginning on 20 January 2020.

Acknowledging DYAMOND data

If you work with the DYAMOND data stored at DKRZ, we request that you acknowledge DKRZ and ESiWACE in any publication resulting from this work.

DYAMOND-related publications